StarWars blog database

Inside he ./entities directory you will find a ./entities/User.js classe describing an example User database entity (table).

Here is a 4min video explaining what UML is:

We are going to be creating the Entity Relationship Diagram for your StarWars Blog Database, a very similar diagram to this one:

Starwars Diagram Click to open diagram

🔥 You can use this FREE tool to practice your diagram for the first time:

💻 Instalation

This boilerplate already comes with everything you need: a postgre database, the typescript configuration and the TypeORM configuration.

Every time you want to generate your diagram just type: $ npm run diagram and it will print a URL link to your diagram image.


Starty by reading the documentation on how to create entities using TypeORM.

Your Job is to update the ./entities/ directory with the files and code needed to replicate the starwars data model.

The project is using the TypeORM Node.js library to generate the database.

  • Your project must have a table User that will represent your blog users.
  • Your blog users will be able to login and save their favorite planets and characters.
  • The database should store the user favorites.
  • The database should store characters and planets.
  • What other tables do you think a blog like this might have?
  • What properties should go inside the user? or inside the Character or Favorite table?
  • What are the relationships between those tables?
  • Please add at least 4 models with all of its properties.
  • Generate the diagram.png file at the end by running $ npm run diagram on the console.