
Sample project built with Nest.js, React.js, TypeScript, and TypeORM that allows users to create presentations and manage attendees.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A basic project to create your presentation and attendees!

About The Project

This is a sample project built with Nest.js and React.js where you can create your presentation, create an attendee and add it to your presentation.

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Live Demo

live-demo The application may take a few seconds to start if the database or the provider is not up.

Built With

Technologies used on this project

  • Nest
  • Nest.js is being used on the backend because it's the most useful for me to facilitate the process of creating the API, the setup is quite simple and the structure is well organized.
  • React
  • I decided to use React mainly because it's the frontend framework I'm most comfortable with, I didn't felt like I needed to use Next.js here, since it was simple.
  • Docker
  • Docker is being used here to host the API and the Database.
  • Swagger
  • Swagger is the tool I used to document the backend, it's quite simple and has a good integration with Nest.js
  • Postgres
  • I don't have a specific reason of why I used Postgres, but I'd say that it's because it's the one I'm most comfortable with
  • Typescript
  • Typescript is being used on the frontend and backend, helps to avoid bugs.

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Getting Started

Here are the steps to reproduce this on your local machine.


Required tools


Install and run

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/LucianoPierdona/Presentations.git
  2. Install NPM packages
    cd web && yarn
    cd server && yarn
  3. run docker compose (the process to compile Nest.js might take longer on Windows OS)
    cd server && docker-compose build && docker-compose up
  4. run react
    cd web && yarn start
  5. web and server urls
    web: http://localhost:3000/
    server: http://localhost:3001/
  6. server documentation url

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