
Systemd Robot Initialization

Primary LanguageCMake

Systemd based Robot Initialization for ROS.

Build Status Build Status


# Install ROS...
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-robot-systemd
systemctl --user enable roslaunch@turtlebot_bringup:minimal.launch
systemctl --user start roslaunch@turtlebot_bringup:minimal.launch
# Start at bootup instead of graphical login
sudo loginctl enable-linger $USER


The goal of this package is to provide infrastructure to start roscore and roslaunch that works by default. OEMs and system integrators should also be able to depend on it to build their own ROS packages that can customize the system startup to support inevitable hardware variations.

It also enables individual end-users to be able to load workspace overlays and make personal customizations without being overwritten by vendor upgrades.

It is designed to be integrated with network autoconfiguration for an improved out-of-the-box experience.

Example Configuration [Optional]

