Telegram Mini App + Dynamic connect

Steps to have the Telegram Mini App (TMA) + Bot running

  1. Create a Bot on Telegram using Botfather, link to tutorial
  2. Clone this repo, run cp .env.sample .env and use your own Dynamic environment ID by replacing NEXT_PUBLIC_DYNAMIC_ENV_ID in the .env file
  3. Deploy your website online. link to tutorial
  4. Using Botfather, add the website url that should be opened for your TMA. link to tutorial
  5. Use Bot TOKEN from Telegram and your website url as LOGIN_URL in the .env file.
  6. Run telegram bot ts-node scripts/bot.ts. If you do not have ts-node you can install it by running npm -g i ts-node
  7. Go to your Telegram Bot and type /start

Build Around the Booming Telegram Ecosystem