
Life Game is a simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automaton simulation. Create and watch patterns evolve on the grid.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Cellular Automaton Simulation in Solar2D

Simulation Screenshot

A simple Conway's Game of Life simulation in Solar2D.

Table of Contents


This project showcases a basic cellular automaton simulation implemented in Solar2D (formerly known as Corona SDK). It follows the rules of Conway's Game of Life, where cells can be alive or dead, and their state evolves based on the state of neighboring cells.


  • Create and visualize a grid of cells.
  • Toggle cell states (alive/dead) by tapping on them.
  • Start and stop the simulation to observe the evolution of cell states.
  • Highly customizable with adjustable grid size, cell size, spacing, and update intervals.

Getting Started

  1. Installation: Download and install Solar2D.

  2. Clone or Download: Clone or download this repository to your local machine.

  3. Open the Project: Open the project in Solar2D.

  4. Run the Simulation: Run the project on the Solar2D simulator or on a mobile device.


  • Toggle Cells: Tap on cells within the grid to toggle their state between alive (displayed as black) and dead (displayed as white).

  • Start/Stop Simulation: Click the "Start" button to begin the simulation, and the cells will evolve following Conway's Game of Life rules. Click the "Stop" button to pause the simulation.


  • Customize the grid size, cell size, spacing, and update interval by modifying the constants in the code.

  • Modify the calculateNextGeneration function to implement different cellular automaton rules or patterns.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Solar2D - The open-source framework used for creating this project.

  • Conway's Game of Life - The inspiration for the cellular automaton rules used in this project.


KWJP Geevinda


For questions or feedback, please contact pasindu.geevind@gmail.com.