
This tutorial will guide you into setting up a Raspberry pi Dashboard via Dakboard

Raspberry Pi Dashboard

This tutorial will aid you into setting up a Dashboard using the Raspberry Pi as a server.

Hardware required:

1.  Raspberry Pi
2.  8GB SD Card (Minimum)

Optional Hardware:

1.  Smart plug
2.  Amazon Echo dot/Alexa

Windows Software required

    1. SD Formatter
    2. Win32DiskImager


01. Download software (Rasbian OS, SD Formatter, Win32DiskImager)
02. Format SD card and load Rasbian OS
03. Configure Raspberry Pi
04. Configure Dakboard website
00. Troubleshooting

#1. Download Software and install software to computer.

visit the link below to download Raspberry Pi software.

visit the link below to download SD Formatter

Visit the link below to download Win32DiskImager


#2. Format SD Card and load Rasbian OS

1. Insert SD card into SD card Reader 
2. Run Windows Explorer and take note of the assigned SD card driver letter. Example E:
3. Run SD formatter from Disk menue 
4. Formatt SD Card to FAT32 using SD formatter using assigned letter from above 
5. Run Win32DiskImager from Desktop menue
6. select Rasbian OS image
7. In the device box, select the drive letter of the SD card. Be careful to select the correct drive: 
    if you choose the wrong drive you could destroy the data on your computer's hard disk!
    If you are using an SD card slot in your computer, and can't see the drive in the Win32DiskImager window, 
    try using an external SD adapter.
8. Click 'Write' and wait for the write to complete
9. Exit the imager and eject the SD Card