
Removal of Thermal Noise from Polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR Data


Removal of Thermal Noise form Single Look Complex (SLC) dual-polarization Interferometric Wide Swath (IW) Sentinel-1 (S1) SAR data using the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) software, provided by the European Space Agency (ESA)

The processing graph allows implementing the approach published in the article:

L. Mascolo, Juan Manuel Lopez-Sanchez, Shane R. Cloude, "Thermal Noise Removal from Polarimetric Sentinel-1 Data", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/LGRS.2021.3050921

File : NoiseFree_C2_single_look.xml

Input: SLC dual-polarization IW S1 data

Output: Noise-free C2 matrix, C11, C12_imag, C12_real, C22 .img files (and associated .hdr files)

Authors : L. Mascolo, Juan Manuel Lopez-Sanchez, Shane R. Cloude

Creation : 09/2020


 1) The processing graph available in this repository has been tested in SNAP 8, using a SLC dual-polarization VH-VV IW S1A image, collected on a sea area
 The ID of the image is: S1A_IW_SLC__1SDV_20180603T182052_20180603T182119_022196_0266A4_F6CB.SAFE
 2) Only a Region of Intesrest (ROI) has been processed, by selecting sub-swath IW1 and bursts 3-5, and using the Subset operator
 3) In the Multilook operator, the number of range looks is set to 4, the number of azimuth looks is set to 1



According to the image (or the set of images) to be processed, the user must change:

  1) The sub-swath and the bursts in the TOPSAR-Split operator, by selecting the sub-swath and the the bursts of interest
  2) The geographical coordinates of the ROI's polygon in the Subset operator, by updating the new coordinates relevant to ROI of interest

According to the user needs, the following changes can be applied:

  1) The Subset operator can be removed from the graph
  2) The number of range and azimuth looks in the Multilook oprator can be changed