
Helping friends that have 0 idea of coding by learning python, which is also a new language to me, multiple folders with easy projects. ULTRA basics.

Primary LanguagePython


This project was created when me and a couple of friends wanted to start learning python, I have experience with coding but have never tried Python, my friends have watched a couple videos but have never really coded. So we're googling different project ideas and doing them, getting harder projects each time. Currently being made by me and @olivercook197, also being monitored by nosey @samcparker D:<


Just picks a random numbers and asks for the user to guess it then see's if it's correct. with some validation in-between. First ever code in python yay


Generates a random password with an amount of charactes the user wants, and an amount of numbers in it that the user also wants, while also compiling with standard requirements for passwords (at least 1 capital leter, 1 number etc)


Hangman game, generates a random word, gives you an amount of lives, and prints in console your progress with cool little hardcoded bars, though will be looking into UI instead of console