
Open source repository to make Compete and Collect trading easier

Primary LanguagePython


This project is an OpenSource project with very basic code to create a simple website with the goal of easing the trade process of Compete And Collect cards (These are cards related to GaryVee and his Veefriends NFT project.)

The idea is to have a simple website where you can show what cards you have in your deck, and you can share this to anyone who wants to trade with you, they can create their deck and you can compare, and get to a deal.

There will be, also, filtering to ease the process. Like, you can compare between two decks, and filter what cards you have, that the other person doesnt, and viceversa.


  • Create user and save your deck (connect via discord)
  • Compare decks with another user
  • Share link to show your deck


Contributions are always welcome!

If you'd like to help out, feel free to contact me on discord (LuciooF#8959).

Create a dev branch and have fun with it!


To get this set up, download MySQL (Windows download Link) , setup as default, take note of your host, password and database name

Remove the .example from .env.example file and fill out those variables with your personal keys.

In MySQL workbench, run the following queries (In this order)

     veefriend     VARCHAR(100),
     coreimagelink VARCHAR(100),
     score         SMALLINT UNSIGNED,
     aura          SMALLINT UNSIGNED,
     skill         SMALLINT UNSIGNED,
     stamina       SMALLINT UNSIGNED,
     cardid        INT PRIMARY KEY auto_increment
     userid            INT PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
     username          VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
     discordid         VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE
CREATE TABLE usercards
     cardid INT,
     userid INT,
     rarity        ENUM ('core', 'rare', 'veryrare', 'epic', 'spec',
     FOREIGN KEY (cardid) REFERENCES card (cardid),

In MySQL go to Edit>Preferences... Untick "Safe updates(Rejects updates and Deletes with no restrictions)

This is to allow


to clear the cards table each time this is ran.

Now execute populateCardsScript.py to populate the cards table with some data (This data is currently not full, but it is good enough for testing)

pip install all required packages


Set Up A Virtual Environment:

First thing need to do, is set up our virtual environment, a virtual environment helps us run several versions of python/django right on the same machine (e.g we could have two different python/django projects running on different versions, to avoid them clashing and to give us room to run them both without errors, the virtual environment comes to our rescue. One virtual environment = one python/django version).

To set up our virtual environment:

  • pip/pip3 install virtualenv

After installation, we should create a virtual environment that would enable us use a preferred django version of our choice:

  • virtualenv env_name (env_name should be replaced with the preferred name of the environment)

Activating Virtual Environment:

Now as we have setup our virtual env, we need to enable it, to enable the virtual env that we've just created (env_name):

To activate the virtual environment for linux/Mac OS:

  • source env_name/bin/activate

For windows:

  • env_name/scripts
  • activate

Install the required packages using:

Now it's time to create the required packages (including django):

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Making Migrations:

Migrations helps us make changes to our database schema without losing any data, each time we create a new model or make changes to a current one and run migrations, it helps update our database tables with the schemas without having to go through all the stress of dragging and recreating the database ourselves.

To run our migrations:

  • python manage.py migrate

Run the project

  • python manage.py runserver


First, you should have vue installed locally, if not run, npm install -g @vue/cli

To run the frontend: (default port 8080)

  • cd frontend && yarn install
  • yarn run serve