
Core interfaces


public VoucherClient(final VoucherClientConfig clientConfig);


* Verify user signatures to cryptographically verify the ownership of a Flow
* account by verifying a message was signed by a user's private key/s
* @param message      singed raw message in Hex string
* @param publicKeyHex a list of public keys in Hex string
* @param weights      a list of corresponding weights of singed keys
* @param signAlgos    a list of singed algorithm, where 2 indicates ECDSA_P256
*                     others for ECDSA_secp256k1
* @param hashAlogs    a list of hash algorithm, where 2 for SHA2_256 others for
*                     SHA3_256
* @param signatures   a list of signatures which are singed by corresponding
*                     keypairs
* @return boolean true if verified or false
public boolean verifyUserSignature(final String message, final String[] publicKeysHex, final double[] weights,
    final int[] signAlgos, final int[] hashAlogs, final String[] signatures)


* Verify a FUSD or FLOW transaction
* @param payerAddress  payer account address
* @param targetAmount  expected amount to be received (scale of 8)
* @param transactionId flow transactionId
* @param PaymentType   FLOW or FUSD enum
* @throws Exception with reason of unexpected error
public void verifyPaymentTransaction(final String payerAddress, final BigDecimal targetAmount,
        final String transactionId, final PaymentType paymentType) throws FlowClientException;


* Mint a Voucher NFT
* @param recipientAddressString recipient account address
* @param landInfoHashString flow type landInfoHashString in hex
* @return Voucher Model
* @throws Exception unknown runtime error
public VoucherMetadataModel mintVoucher(final String recipientAddressString, final String landInfoHashString) throws Exception;


* Mint a batch of Vouchers
* @param recipientAddressStringList list of recipient account address
* @param landInfoHashStringList list of landInfoHash
* @return a list of Minted token
* @throws FlowClientException runtime exception
public List<VoucherMetadataModel> batchMintVoucher(final List<String> recipientAddressStringList, final List<String> landInfoHashStringList) throws FlowClientException;


* Generate cadence compatible LandInfoHashHexString
* @param topLeftX UInt64 topLeftX coordinate
* @param topLeftY UInt64 topLeftY coordinate
* @param height UInt64 height of square lands
* @param width  UInt64 width of square lands
* @return LandInfoHashHexString of a square of Lands
public String generateLandInfoHash(final Integer topLeftX, final Integer topLeftY, final Integer height,
        final Integer width);


Init client

public static final String TEST_ADMIN_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX = "a996c6d610d93faf82ad5b15407b66d3a2b72a284b5c2fd4097b5a3e735a79e1"; // emulator
                                                                                                                            // admin
                                                                                                                            // private
                                                                                                                            // key
public static final String SERVICE_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX = "2eae2f31cb5b756151fa11d82949c634b8f28796a711d7eb1e52cc301ed11111"; // emulator
                                                                                                                            // admin
                                                                                                                            // private
                                                                                                                            // key
public static final String FUNGIBLE_TOKEN_ADDRESS = "ee82856bf20e2aa6";
public static final String FUSD_ADDRESS = "f8d6e0586b0a20c7";
public static final String NON_FUNGIBLE_TOKEN_ADDRESS = "f8d6e0586b0a20c7";
public static final String VOUCHER_ADDRESS = "01cf0e2f2f715450";

private final FlowAddress testAdminAccountAddress = new FlowAddress("01cf0e2f2f715450");
private final FlowAddress userAccountAddress = new FlowAddress("f8d6e0586b0a20c7");

final VoucherClientConfig adminClientConfig = VoucherClientConfig.builder().host("localhost").port(3569)

final VoucherClient adminClient = new VoucherClient(adminClientConfig);

Verify transaction and mint Voucher to payer

if (adminClient.verifyFUSDTransaction(serviceAccountAddress.getBase16Value(), targetAmount, txId.getBase16Value())){
    // Mint Voucher if verification is success
    VoucherMetadataModel newToken = adminClient.mintVoucher(userAccountAddress.getBase16Value(), testHash);

Use it with Object pool for concurrently sending MINT transaction

public void voucherClientPoolconcurrentlysendTransaction() throws Exception {
    // Simulate concurrent requests in backend
    final int simTransactionCount = 30;
    final CountDownLatch updateLatch = new CountDownLatch(simTransactionCount);
    final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(simTransactionCount);

    // Build pool
    final VoucherClientPoolFactory voucherClientPoolFactory = new VoucherClientPoolFactory(adminClientConfig, 10);
    final GenericObjectPoolConfig<VoucherClient> objectPoolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig<>();
    objectPoolConfig.setMaxTotal(5); // do not exceed adminAccount's number of proposal keys
    final GenericObjectPool<VoucherClient> objectPool = new GenericObjectPool<>(voucherClientPoolFactory,

    // Start
    for (int i = 0; i < simTransactionCount; ++i) {
        final int idx = i;
        executorService.execute(new Thread(() -> {
            VoucherClient client = null;
            try {
                client = objectPool.borrowObject();
                String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("").format(new Date());
                client.mintVoucher(userAccountAddress.getBase16Value(), "TEST_HASH_POOL" + idx + timeStamp);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
            } finally {
                if (client != null) {

Use object pool to check user signature on chain

* Very user composite signatures
* @param message raw message in hex
* @param accountAddress account address
* @param keyIds keys ids corresponding to signatures
* @param signatures signed using above keys
* @return true means verified successfully
public boolean verifyUserSignatureCadence(final String message, final String accountAddress,
        final List<Integer> keyIds, final List<String> signatures);

// example
final String message = "TEST_HASH_MESSAGE";
final String privateKeyHex =

final PrivateKey privateKey = Crypto.decodePrivateKey(privateKeyHex);

final Signer signer = Crypto.getSigner(privateKey, HashAlgorithm.SHA3_256);
final byte[] signature = signer.signAsUser(message.getBytes());

final VoucherMinterClientPool pool = new VoucherMinterClientPool(0, 10, adminClientConfig);
final List<Integer> keyIds = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> signatures = new ArrayList<>();
final Boolean result = pool.verifyUserSignatureCadence(
        Hex.encodeHexString(message.getBytes()), "0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7", keyIds, signatures);

Check Tests for full example


Start local emulator with bootstrap script

cd ./packages/contracts

make bootstrap-local

Run test

cd ./packages/sdk/java/voucher-sdk

mvn test

UlTest.vim output

? src/test/java/matrix/flow/sdk/
  ? AppTest
    ✔ shouldAnswerWithTrue
    ✔ transferCorrectFUSDShouldNotThrowException
    ✔ transferIncorrectFUSDShouldThrowException
    ✔ verifyFUSDTransactionShouldMintVoucherToSender
    ✔ voucherClientPoolconcurrentlysendTransaction
    ✔ correctSignatureVerificationShouldReturnTrue
    ✔ incorrectSignatureVerificationShouldReturnFalse