This script generates C++ class files with getters, setters, and other necessary functions.
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Ensure that you have the required utilities installed (zsh, awk, sed, tr).
form <ClassName> [attributeType, attributeName] ...
ClassName: Name of the C++ class.
attributeType: Type of class attribute (e.g., int, std::stringm unsigned long int).
attributeName: Name of class attribute.
form MyClass int age std::string name 'unsigned long int' bankAccount
- MyClass.cpp: Contains the implementation of the MyClass class that follows next rules:
- Default constructor
- <Optional> All args constructor
- Copy constructor
- Destructor
- Copy assignment operator '='
- <Optional> Getters and setters for private atributes
- Overload of << operator for your class
- MyClass.hpp: Contains the class declaration that has all the necessary stuff for comfort usage
- Declaration of destructor, constructors and overload operators
- Declaration of all the getters and setters for private atributes
- Macroses with default values for the atributes
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or havesuggestions for improvements, feel free to submit a pull request.