Ride Sharing Application
This is a ride sharing application with REST API and Websocket endpoints. The REST API endpoints will be available at the swagger ui documentation http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/
path after startup. But the websocket endpoint though it will not be on the documentation, it will be listening for connection at ws://localhost:8080/ws/
. The websocket endpoint is for the web app to broadcast location data which will later go upstream to kafka and cassandra DB for intensive read and writes for real-time awareness and future analytics respectively.
Version Requirement
Java SE 17 or later
Build install dependencies, compile and run tests
mvn clean install
Start zookeeper and kafka (You should have docker installed, up and running)
docker-compose -f ./kafka-docker-compose.yaml -p the_ride up
Start Cassandra DB
docker-compose -f ./cassandra-docker-compose.yaml -p the_ride up
CREATE KEYSPACE the_ride WITH replication = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
Build docker Image
docker build -t the-ride-api:latest .
Update Config-map-kube.yaml with the correct IPs for db and kafka and apply
kubectl apply -f config-map-kube.yaml
Create Kubernetes deployment
kubectl apply -f api-kube.yaml
Create service for external access
kubectl apply -f api-service-kube.yaml
ACCESS API HERE (If using kubernetes on mac docker desktop)