Install firebase tools
$ npm install -g firebase-tools $ firebase login $ firebase init
Start emulators for local environment
$ firebase emulators:start
Get Privatekey
To authenticate a service account and authorize it to access Firebase services, you must generate a private key file in JSON format.
Project settings -> Service accounts -> Generate new privateKey https://console.firebase.google.com/project/vehiclehubdev/settings/serviceaccounts/adminsdk
Click button
Generate new private key
First, go to your Google Cloud Platform IAM & admin page. You'll see various service accounts. Look for the service account that looks like
. It should say App Engine default service account in the Name column.You must add role Service Account Token Creator, Storage Object Creator to have permission to create signed tokens and run
.You could save alternatively assign Service Account Admin and Storage Admin, which include the Service Account Token Creator and Storage Object Creator roles respectively.
Function URL
https://download-kh5664evwa-uc.a.run.app -
Project Console
Endpoint: https://download-kh5664evwa-uc.a.run.app?files=[`file_name1`,`file_name2`]
"success": true,
"signedUrl": "https://",
"errors": [
If response.success
is true
then ``response.signedUrl` is valid. You can download zip file by making GET request. This URL is signed URL and valid for one day. You can always change expiry time.
"errors": [
"Requested file folder1/my_avatar.png does not exists.","Requested file avatar.png does not exists."