
Django backend for news-reader project

Primary LanguagePython

News-Reader backend

Django based back-end for the news reader project.

The project is intended to dockerized deployment and has no coupling with any front-end.


The application holds news data (articles) in relational database (PostgreSQL) and serves it via REST API.

Entering the data

There are several ways of inputting data into the app

There is an integration with resource newsapi.org to get the articles.

NOTE that to be able to retrieve data from newapi.org - the environment variable NEWS_PORTAL_KEY has to be set with the relevant API key.

Via command

python manage.py get_articles_from_newsapi --query="topic1, topic2" --period=25

query holds comma-separated values for topic to search period holds period of time in the past to get the news

This command can be scheduled as a job to update news in background.


There is a separate API endpoint which triggers downloading the news of the given topic from the given period.

See Swagger UI for more details.

Getting the data

The data can be retrieved via REST API. It's implemented with Django Rest Framework.

Pagination, filtering and sorting are supported.

The endpoints can be found in Swagger UI

Testing the app

The app is unit tested with pytest and has target coverage of 100%

To execute tests run:

pytest --cov news

Build the app

The app contains Dockerfile and can be built via

docker build .

More info about deployment info can be found in the parent repository

NOTE That application can't be built/started "as-is" because it requires secret environment variable SECRET_KEY which is not included in this repo.