
Python + Django for API server

Primary LanguagePython

Endpoints description:

  • exhaust_port/xwings/
    • GET - returns JSON with description of all XWings in database
    • POST - adds XWing in database from provided JSON
  • exhaust_port/defence_towers/
    • GET - returns JSON with description of all Defense Towers in database
    • POST - adds Defense Tower in database from provided JSON
  • exhaust_port/defence_towers/<tower_id>
    • GET - returns JSON with description of Defense Tower with given ID
    • DELETE - destroys the Defense Tower with given ID (sets health of tower to zero)
  • exhaust_port/defence_towers/xwings/<xwing_id>
    • GET - returns JSON with description of all Defense Towers that targeting XWing with given XWing_id
  • exhaust_port/defence_towers/xwings/my
    • GET - returns JSON with description of all Defense Towers that targeting the current user. Login information of request is used to retrieve the user.
    • DELETE - destroys all Defense Towers that targeting the current user
  • exhaust_port/starships/
    • GET - returns JSON with description of all Starships in database
    • POST - adds Starship in database from provided JSON
  • exhaust_port/species/starships/<starship_id>
    • GET - returns JSON with description of all Species that seen the given Starship with starship_ID Species are resolved by film where the Starship appeared
  • exhaust_port/species/starships/producers/<producer name>
    • GET - returns JSON with description of all Species that seen Starships from the movies that were produced by given producer name.
  • exhaust_port/evacuate_planet/<planet_id>/starships/<starship_id>
    • GET - returns JSON with short description of the given planet/starship and number of the given starships required to evacuate the given planet in tag ships_needed. If evacuation is not possible the descriptive error message will be returned.