Cardi Buddy (CardiB)
What is Cardi Buddy?
Flash Cards allow you to learn twice as fast, and remember longer as proven by decades of cognitive science – they promote studying through active recall, which is one of the practices through which our brains learn most effectively.
Cardi Buddy (CardiB) is a flash cards application that allows students to generate their own flash cards and test themselves through a simple Command Line Interface. Through making your own flash cards, you are processing, summarising and internalizing the content that you have learnt and creating stronger neural pathways as opposed to using pre-made decks.
If you can type fast, CardiB can also help you to store revision materials in a blink of an eye. Instead of revising by re-reading lecture notes, CardiB allows you break down complex concepts into simpler questions in multiple flash cards and create test sessions to run through unfamiliar concepts.
In addition, CardiB comes with a multitude of features specially designed for NUS SoC students taking content-heavy modules:
Drag and drop images into flash cards to cater to visual learners
Detect duplicates of flash cards to prevent repetition
Tag flash cards for better organization
Search for flash cards according to Tags to access relevant topics more efficiently
Prioritise flash cards that have a higher frequency of incorrect answers in quizzes for more effective testing
What are you waiting for? Give CardiB a go and you will be sure to see improvements in your examination grades to get that elusive A!
Table of Contents
Some parts of this sample application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
This product is based on the source code from AddressBook-Level 3 project created by SE-EDU initiative