Redux Basic Counter


Redux, dispatch actions, stiore

Submission Instructions [Please note]

Maximum Marks - 8

  • The Submission should not contain spaces, for example /rct-101 folder/eval will not work
  • Do not push node_modules and package_lock.json to github
 ✅ able to submit the app - 1 mark ( minimum score )
 ✅If CounterValue component and CounterButton components are present inside Counter component- 1 mark
 ✅ If actions are returning the correct action object - 1 marks
 ✅ If the reducer func is returning the correct counter state/data for Add - 1 marks
 ✅ If the reducer func is returning the correct counter state/data for Reduce - 1 marks
 ✅ If the default value of 10 is showing in the UI- 2 marks
 ✅ If the counter value on the UI increases, when clicked on the Add button - 1 mark
 ✅ If the counter value on the UI decreases, when clicked on the Reduce button - 1mark


  • you can use any node version between 14 and 16
  • please make sure you do not push package-lock.json
npm install

// run locally
npm run start

// test locally
npm run test

Problem Description

  • use redux to create a store and write in the following files
    • action.js ( action object creators )
    • reducer.js ( reducer function )
    • store.js ( store )
  • Create these components
  • Counter.jsx
    • CounterValue.jsx ( contains the counter value, retrieve it from store ).
    • CounterButtons.jsx ( dispatch the actions for incrementing and decrementing counter value )
  • Create a forceUpdate function, that will help us in re-rendering the React component, to show the updated counter value for the Redux store
  • attach the forceUpdate to the store.subscribe method
const [state, setState ] = useState(0);
const forceUpdate = ( ) => setState(prev=>prev+1)
  • on clicking the add and reduce the values should be updated in the counter


  • Make sure you use only the given components and dont create new Components, files, folders of your own. Changing component name, file/folder structures might result in giving you zero marks
  • Do Not Remove data-testid="xxxx" from anywhere, these are used by testing tools to test your code, removal of this will lead to low score.
  • Also make sure to cross check all the spellings and Case of Texts.

General guidelines

  • The system on may take between 1-20 minutes for responding,
  • so we request you to read the problem carefully and debug before itself
  • we also request you to not to just submit it last minute
  • try to keep one submission at a time