A MATLAB collection of scripts and functions for generating artificial data with concept drift
The collection contains the following files:
- functions
[A,LABA] = simulation_changing_environment(P, V)
This function returns a data set A with N points and a label vector LABA. V is an array with probabilities of size N-by-K, where K is the number of sources to sample from. The rows of V, V(i,:) are the mixing proportions of the K sources (each row of V sums up to 1). P is a user-defined function called as [X,LABX] = P(i)
, which samples once from data source i and returns point X with its label.
This function samples one point (=instance, =example) from the STAGGER data problem, widely used as a benchmark artificial dataset for changing environments.
This function can be used as input in simulation_changing_environment
in order to generate the "moving hyperplane data" in 2d, often used as benchmark. Point x returned by the function lies in the square [-1,+1]-by-[-1,+1]. There are two classes with equal prior probabilities. The data on one side of the hyperplane are labelled as class 1 and on the other side as class 2.
This function can be used in simulation_changing_environment
. It samples a point from a 2-dimensional mixture of 4 equiprobable Gaussian clusters, and labels the point into one of 2 classes. (See Gaussian_2d_demo.m
This function can be used in simulation_changing_environment
. It samples a point from 3 Gaussian classes with static means and changing variances. (See Gaussian_3class_demo.m
- demos (scripts):
This is an example of using the simulation framework for generating the STAGGER data
More detailed information is available here: https://lucykuncheva.co.uk/EPSRC_simulation_framework/changing_environments_stage1a.htm
Source: Narasimhamurthy A., L.I. Kuncheva, A framework for generating data to simulate changing environments, Proc. IASTED, Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, 2007, 384-389.
pdf available here: https://lucykuncheva.co.uk/papers/anlkAIA07.pdf
bibtex entry: @INPROCEEDINGS{Narasimhamurthy07, author = {A. Narasimhamurthy and L. I. Kuncheva}, title = {A framework for generating data to simulate changing environments}, booktitle = {Proc. {IASTED}, Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, year = {2007}, pages = {384-389}, address = {Innsbruck, Austria} }