
playing around with discord bot stuff

Primary LanguageJavaScript


playing around with discord bot stuff

Setting up the bot in Discord

  • go to https://discord.com/developers/applications
  • create a new application
  • Go to Bot
  • Select Reset Token in order to recieve bot token
  • Under Authorization flow
  • deselect Public Bot - to keep bot private
  • Scroll to "message Content Intent" select this in order for test code to work. this allows bot to read messages written in a channel

Adding Bot to Server

  • Navigate to OAuth2
  • Select URL Generator
  • Select Bot
  • a Bot permissions list will open
  • select the required bot permissions ( use admin to just select all - easiest to just get something running)
  • copy the generated URL from the bottom of the page into a browser.
  • follow the steps to add to a server

Running Application

make sure node is installed on your system ( minimum v16.9 ) for a node version manager use npm n or npm nvm for windows

  • Navigate to root of this directory
  • npm install this will install all dependencies locally on your machine
  • Add a token file to the root directory, this should be .json file named token.json and the contents should follow this format : { token : "your-key-here "}
  • this is not saved to the repo for safety reasons.
  • to run the file use node index.js
  • the application will print to console if connection is a success.