This repository contains files relating to the Program and Schedule for rstudio::global 2021. It includes:

  • The "master data" about speakers and talks

  • Scripts for converting that data to YAML for downstream processes to consume

Instructions for speakers

(These instructions assume you're familiar with Git and GitHub. If you're not, you can simply email your final talk title, abstract, speaker bio, and headshot to with the subject "Program details".)

  1. Find your Markdown file under the speakers/ directory.

    1. Ensure the existing metadata is correct, and fill out any of the null links. If your location field is null, you can add your country if you like. (Do not add additional fields, they will be ignored.)

    2. Edit the talk title and abstract. (Markdown is allowed, but please stick to simple formatting.)

    3. Fill out the speaker bio section with a paragraph (or two).

  2. Provide a square headshot by uploading a .jpg or .png to the speakers/ directory. The filename must match your Markdown file, except for the file extension. (For example, Sean Lopp has speakers/, so his headshot would need to be speakers/seanlopp.jpg or speakers/seanlopp.png.)

  3. Submit your changes as a PR and someone on the program committee will approve ASAP.

You don't need to run any of the scripts in this repo--just edit your Markdown file and provide the headshot.

You may submit as many changes/PRs as you want, up until the deadline of December 25.

Thank you again for your participation in rstudio::global 2021!