
An R Shiny module to put swiping interfaces in your app!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple Shiny module for putting swipe based interfaces into shiny apps. Ever felt like Shiny wasn't "tinder-y" enough? Well here you go.


This package is currently not on CRAN so the only way to install it is using github.



Two functions are exported by this package: shinySwiprUI and shinySwipr. These two must be used in conjunction with each other in both the ui and server of your shiny app respectively.

shinySwiprUI allows you to pass any other UI elements to it, it will then wrap those UI elements in a card interface that can be swiped.

A simple app that displays a card and prints to the R console your swipe result would go as follows.

ui <- fixedPage(
  shinySwiprUI( "my_swiper",
                h4("Swipe Me!"),
                p("This is some content that would warrent a good swipe")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  card_swipe <- callModule(shinySwipr, "my_swiper")

  observeEvent( card_swipe(),{
    print(card_swipe) #show last swipe result. 