NY Taxi Fare prediction interface


The interface uses 4 APIs:

These APIs require credentials and the following steps will guide you to get them and set the interface with.

NY Taxi Fare prediction API

Update the script.js to get prediction from your own API hosted on GCP:

// script.js

const taxiFareApiUrl = 'https://YOUR_API_URL/predict_fare';

Note: the following setup steps are optional as you can use Algolia and Mapbox credentials given by Le Wagon

Algolia Places Api (optional)

  • Go to Algolia and create an account and follow the steps to create your first application
  • Go to your dashboard then to the API Keys tab
  • Grab an Application ID and a Search-Only API Key then set them into the script.js
// script.js

const algoliaPlacesApiAppId = 'YOUR_APPLICATION_ID';
const algoliaPlacesApiKey = 'YOUR_SEARCH_ONLY_API_KEY';

MapBox Maps and Directions APIs (optional)

  • Go to MapBox and create an account
  • Go to your Account and grab your Access Token then set it into the script.js
const mapboxApiToken = 'YOUR_MAPBOX_API_ACCESS_TOKEN';

Local development

To check your setup, run the interface locally with:

python -m http.server 5000 --bind

Then go to http://localhost:5000.

Deploy on GitHub Pages

Your app is ready to go live!

Create a new branch gh-pages:

git checkout -b gh-pages

Deploy your app on GitHub:

git push origin gh-pages

Your app will be visible shortly at https://YOUR_GITHUB_NICKNAME.github.io/taxi-fare-interface.