
WroldStory-AI is a project that creates and interacts with fictional characters

Primary LanguageJavaScript



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WroldStory-AI is a project that creates and interacts with fictional characters


To use WorldStory-AI, need to install the following programs

  • python 3.10 >=

  • Yarn

After installing the above programs, run the InstallKit.bat file to install both the frontend and backend libraries

if the batch file is not executed, or if you prefer to install it using commands, clone the WorldStory-AI repository and enter the following commands in sequence

  • frontend
cd ./frontend
yarn install
  • backend
cd backend
python -m venv worldstory_backend
cd worldstory_backend/Scripts/
cd ../../
pip install -r requirements.txt


To use Llama-cpp, install the following additional libraries and programs

  • Cmake
  • Visual Studio C++ 14.0 >=
pip install llama-cpp-python

Getting Started

After installing both the frontend and backend, execute the StartKit.bat file to launch the project.

if the batch file does not run, or if you prefer to run it using commands, enter the following commands in two seperate terminals withi the direcory where you downloaded the WorldStory-AI repository

  • frondend
cd ./frontend
yarn start
  • backend
cd ./backend
cd ./worldstory_backend/Scripts
cd ../../
uvicorn main:app --reload

Create Character

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You can create a character by clicking the Character Setting button on the first screen. Choose either the GPT-3.5 model or the local Llama model(GGML) to create your character

  • Supported Llama Models
    • openbuddy-llama2-13b-v11.1.ggmlv3
    • puddlejumper-13b.ggmlv3
    • WizardLM-13B-1.0
    • kimiko-7b.ggmlv3
    • Kimiko-v2-13B-GGML

Download the Llama model from HuggingFace as a binary(.bin) file and place it in the backend/Models folder to enable recognition

⚠️ The local Llama model is currently in the testing phase, the prompts and image generation features are all based on GPT-3.5

Under Model Select, choose GPT-3.5 and then click the Generate button to create the character

The image is automatically generated based on the character's appearance.

To interact with the created character, click the Save Setting button to store it in the backend/Characters folder

User config

Before creating and interacting with a character, you can set the User's name, picture, and preferences for era, name, and gender. Create a user profile by modifying the UserConfig.ini file in the backend/Characters/User folder

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You can use the language option to converse in any language you prefer, but it is set to English when creating the character. The image generation feature based on the character's appearance only functions in English

The memory option determines the number of conversations the character can remember during a conversation. The higher the memory, the more previous conversations can be retained, but it should be set to a reasonable value, as some information may be lost if the token length is exceeded

The era option allows you to set the era you want your character to be from (e.g fantasy, cyberpunk, dystopia) when creating the character. If the value is empty, it will be generated randomly

The gender and name options also allow you to specify a gender and name when creating the character. If the values are empty, they will be generated randomly

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If you want to change your profile image, simply delete the existing image in the /backend/Characters/User path and replace it with the image you want

Chat with Character

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You can engage in a conversation with the character you created by clicking the Chat with Character button

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GPT3.5 or LocalModel

You can choose either GPT3.5 or LlamaModel as the model the conversation. The default setting is GPT3.5

⚠️ LocalModel is still in development and currently only functions with GPT3.5


When you create a character in the Character setting, go to the Character section to engage in a conversation with the character of your choice

LLM Setting

Parameter values that can be configured in the LocalModel

⚠️ LLM Setting is still in development and currently only functions with GPT3.5


You can change the background to match the era of your character. You can choose from fantasy, cyberpunk, wild west and apocalyptic settings.

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Also, if you want to add your own background, you can use the frontend/src/components/Static/chat_background/ folder with an image of your choice.

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