
This project uses the 7-1 architecture pattern for organizing Sass (Scss) files.

Primary LanguageSCSS

7-1 Architecture

This project uses the 7-1 architecture pattern for organizing Sass (Scss) files. The structure consists of the following folders:

  1. abstracts/
  2. base/
  3. components/
  4. layout/
  5. pages/
  6. themes/
  7. vendors/

The main.scss file imports all styles from the folders and compiles them into a single CSS file.

Folder Descriptions

  • abstracts/: Sass tools and helpers, such as variables, mixins, functions, and media queries.
  • base/: Global styles such as CSS resets, animations, typography, and basic HTML elements styling.
  • components/: Reusable components like buttons, forms, cards, and other UI elements.
  • layout/: Overall structure of the site, including styles for the header, footer, and grid system.
  • pages/: Page-specific styles that may not be shared across the entire site.
  • themes/: Various theme or color scheme styles for different designs or branding.
  • vendors/: Third-party CSS libraries and frameworks.


To use the 7-1 architecture in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Create the seven folders (abstracts/, base/, components/, layout/, pages/, themes/, and vendors/) in your project's Sass (Scss) directory.
  2. Create the main.scss file in the same directory as the folders.
  3. Import the individual files from the seven folders into the main.scss file using the @import directive. The order of imports should follow the folder structure as shown below:
// main.scss

// Abstracts
@import 'abstracts/_variables';
@import 'abstracts/_mixins';
@import 'abstracts/_functions';
@import 'abstracts/_media';

// Base
@import 'base/_animations';
@import 'base/_typography';
@import 'base/_base';

// Components
@import 'components/_buttons';
@import 'components/_forms';
@import 'components/_cards';

// Layout
@import 'layout/_header';
@import 'layout/_footer';
@import 'layout/_grid';

// Pages
@import 'pages/_home';
@import 'pages/_about';
@import 'pages/_contact';

// Themes
@import 'themes/_default';
@import 'themes/_alternate';

// Vendors
@import 'vendors/_normalize';
@import 'vendors/_bootstrap';
@import 'vendors/_mantine';