
React Native, Apollo, GraphQL, AWS Appsync

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native and AppSync - Template

This app demonstrates how to integrate React Native & GraphQL using AppSync with optimistic UI and real time subscriptions. AppSync is part of AWS Mobile

To view the tutorial for how to build this app, see both part 1 and part 2 on Tuts Plus. Also follow the instruction below to setup environment for using template.

React Native AppSync ios-demo

Environment setup

  1. install react-native-cli@2.0.1
  2. install node@latest (mine is v8.11.1). It comes with npm (mine is 5.6.0)
  3. install git
  4. install vscode IDE (with powerful extensions and all-in-one view. debuggable in IDE instead of browser. Debugger runner integrated with react-native). Install "React-Native tools" extension.
  5. Have an aws account.

To get started

  1. clone project
git clone git@github.com:Luffyingw/bigbang-mobile.git
  1. change into directory and install dependencies
cd bigbang-mobile && yarn || cd bigbang-mobile && npm install
  1. install storybook and start storybook server
cd bigbang-mobile
npm i -g @storybook/cli
yarn run storybook
  1. Update credentials in ./aws-exports (endpoint, APIkey)   

  2. Run project in either iOS or Android simulators It will download necessary ios/andriod dependencies and build the code

react-native run-ios 
react-native run-android

A simulator should open (like a cellphone screen) if everything goes through.

AWS AppSync Configuration   

For this to work, you must have the following AppSync Schema as well as the cityId-index created in your LocationTable (see screenshot below). You must also have the correct resolver mapping template for the listLocations query.

listLocations request mapping template:

    "version": "2017-02-28",
    "operation": "Query",
    "index": "cityId-index",
    "query": {
        "expression": "cityId = :cityId",
        "expressionValues": {
            ":cityId": {
                "S": "$ctx.args.cityId"
    "limit": #if($context.arguments.limit) $context.arguments.limit #else 10 #end,
    "nextToken": #if($context.arguments.nextToken) "$context.arguments.nextToken" #else null #end


type City {
	id: ID!
	name: String!
	country: String!
	locations: [Location]

type CityConnection {
	items: [City]
	nextToken: String

input CreateCityInput {
	id: ID!
	name: String!
	country: String!

input CreateLocationInput {
	id: ID!
	cityId: ID!
	name: String!
	info: String

input DeleteCityInput {
	id: ID!

input DeleteLocationInput {
	id: ID!

type Location {
	id: ID!
	cityId: ID!
	name: String!
	info: String

type LocationConnection {
	items: [Location]
	nextToken: String

type Mutation {
	createCity(input: CreateCityInput!): City
	updateCity(input: UpdateCityInput!): City
	deleteCity(input: DeleteCityInput!): City
	createLocation(input: CreateLocationInput!): Location
	updateLocation(input: UpdateLocationInput!): Location
	deleteLocation(input: DeleteLocationInput!): Location

type Query {
	getCity(id: ID!): City
	listCities(first: Int, after: String): CityConnection
	getLocation(id: ID!): Location
	listLocations(cityId: ID!, first: Int, after: String): LocationConnection

type Subscription {
	onCreateCity(id: ID, name: String, country: String): City
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createCity"])
	onUpdateCity(id: ID, name: String, country: String): City
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateCity"])
	onDeleteCity(id: ID, name: String, country: String): City
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deleteCity"])
		id: ID,
		cityId: ID,
		name: String,
		info: String
	): Location
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createLocation"])
		id: ID,
		cityId: ID,
		name: String,
		info: String
	): Location
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateLocation"])
		id: ID,
		cityId: ID,
		name: String,
		info: String
	): Location
		@aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deleteLocation"])

input UpdateCityInput {
	id: ID!
	name: String
	country: String

input UpdateLocationInput {
	id: ID!
	cityId: ID
	name: String
	info: String

schema {
	query: Query
	mutation: Mutation
	subscription: Subscription

LocationTable index configuration

Set cloudwatch on tables. Change read/write unit capacity if need.