Zotero to reMarkable Cloud

This script can be used with the Send to Tablet function from ZotFile. It synchronizes the ZotFile basis folder with a folder in the reMarkable cloud.

The following changes are synchronized:

  • A new file in the ZotFile folder is send to the reMarkable cloud.
  • Any updated to a file on the reMarkable cloud is downloaded into the ZotFile folder.
  • With the command line option --delete, any file that was removed from the ZotFile folder is also removed from the reMarkable cloud.


  • After installation of ZotFile, the only necessary option in Zotero is to define an base folder in the ZotFile preferences.
  • The script uses rmapi, which requires setting up the connection to the cloud.


usage: sync.py [-h] [--delete] [--download] [--rmapi RMAPI] Zotero reMarkable

Synchronize reMarkable and Zotero tablet export.

positional arguments:
  Zotero         Basefolder defined in ZotFile tablet settings.
  reMarkable     Mirrored folder on reMarkable.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --delete       Delete all files on reMarkable that don't exists in the Zotero folder.
  --download     Download all files from reMarkable, even if they are not in the Zotero folder. (Overwrites --delete)
  --rmapi RMAPI  rmapi executable. This can be a path or the name of the rmapi executable that is in PATH. Default is rmapi