Hi, I'm Aarush Aggarwal!

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I am a creative🎡, time punctual👩‍🎓, dedicated🎯, goal-oriented individual👩‍💻 with decent moral Values and Ethicates🙇‍♀️ along with a high-energy level🤹‍♀️, honed communication skills👐, strong organizational skills👮‍♀️, and meticulous attention🕵️‍♀️ to detail.

🔥 Streak stats

Iam4T's streak

If you can dream it, you can do it 🔥 . By the Way, I don't dream about this lol.

🛠️ My favorite tools

👨‍💻 Programming languages

HTML CSS JavaScript ElectronJS Python SQL

🧰 Frameworks and libraries


🗄️ Databases and cloud hosting

GitHub Pages Heroku MySQL

💻 Software and tools

Figma Adobe Atom Colab Brave Codepen Dark Reader Git Google Sheets Jupyter Stack Overflow Sublime Text Visual Studio Code

📊 Github stats

💻 GitHub Profile Stats
Iam4TArt's Github Stats Iam4TArt's Top Languages
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
Iam4TArt's Activity Graph

🙋‍♀️ Let's Connect

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