Hi! Here it gathers various tools, web extensions and vscode extensions.
- Adblock Plus - Block ads on the web
- Autofill - A form filler, form recovery, text snippets, and automation tool
- Automa - Automating your browser by connecting blocks
- CSS Peeper - Show CSS colors used on the web
- ColorZilla - Color picker
- daily.dev | The Homepage Developers Deserve - Get a feed of the hottest developer news personalized to you
- GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture - Full page screen capture
- JSON Viewer - View JSON formatted data
- Octotree - GitHub code tree - GitHub code tree
- Pesticide for Chrome (without hover bar) - Inserts the Pesticide CSS into the current page, outlining each element to better see placement on the page
- React Developer Tools - show React components
- SVG Export - Download SVGs from websites as SVGs, PNGs or JPEGs
- Visual Inspector - Collaboration tool for website feedback and fixing design bugs
- Wappalyzer - Technology profiler - Show technologies used on the web
- Web Developer - Developer tools
- WhatFont - Font viewer
- Auto Rename Tag - Auto rename paired HTML/XML tag
- Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 - A customizable extension for colorizing matching brackets
- CodeSnap - Take beautiful screenshots of your code
- Color Highlight - Highlight web colors in your editor
- CSS Modules - Visual Studio Code extension for CSS Modules
- DotENV - Support for dotenv file syntax
- EditorConfig for VS Code -
- GitLens — Git supercharged - Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code
- Live Server - Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages
- Live Share - Real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools
- Markdown Preview Enhanced - Markdown Preview Enhanced ported to vscode
- Path Intellisense - Autocompletes filenames
- Prettier - Code formatter - Code formatter
- Settings Sync - Synchronize Settings, Snippets, Themes, File Icons, Launch, Keybindings, Workspaces and Extensions Across Multiple Machines Using GitHub Gist
- Thunder Client - Lightweight Rest API Client for VS Code
- vscode-styled-components - Syntax highlighting for styled-components
- WakaTime - Metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity
- freepik
- Unsplash
- Pexels
- Pixabay
- Rawpixel
- Libreshot
- LottieFiles - Animation
- blush
- unDraw
- Ira Design
- Icon Archive - Search 735,802 free icons, desktop icons, download icons, social icons, xp icons, vista icons
- favicon.ico Generator - Generate favicon.ico
- Favicon.io - The Ultimate Favicon Generator (Free)
- Font Awesome
- Ícones, ilustrações de clipart, fotos e músicas gratuitos
- iconmonstr - Free simple icons for your next project
- Ícones e Adesivos Grátis - Milhões de recursos para descarregar
- React Icons
- Noun Project: Free Icons & Stock Photos for Everything
- Roundicons
- Free Icon, SVG Icon, Free Vector Icons Download,Icon Free, Free Svg Icons, Monochrome Icons
- Ícones gratuitos SVG, PNG, ICO ou ICNS
- Free Icons and Icon packs | +500,000 icons to download - Findicons.com
- Shape Divider App
- Fancy Border Radius Generator
- Neumorphism/Soft UI CSS shadow generator
- CSS buttons, checkboxes, and more!
- Flowrift
- Box Shadows
- Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator!
- Gradient Backgrounds - 🌈 The Best Gradient Sites All in One Place
- uiGradients - Beautiful colored gradients
- BrandColors
- 👍 Color Picker online | HEX Color Picker | HTML Color Picker
- Free Gradients Collection by itmeo.com
- Gradient Hunt - Beautiful Color Gradients
- Flat UI Colors 2 - 14 Color Palettes, 280 colors 🎨
- Animate.css | A cross-browser library of CSS animations.
- anime.js
- Hover.css - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects
- 15 awesome CSS animation libraries you need to know.
- CSShake
- Animista - CSS Animations on Demand
- whimsical
- wireframe.cc
- lucidchart
- mockflow
- diagrams - database diagrams