
This repository contains the source code developed and all of the related files by the Big Data & Joropo team for the Datathon Factored 2023.


  • Project Summary
  • Data Extraction
  • Data Transformation
  • Machine Learning
  • App
  • Data Analytics

Project Summary

The following project aims to provide an end-to-end dashboard for retailers and ecommerce business, using Amazon product review data It can be used to track product performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions about pricing and marketing.

  • Data collection: The data was collected from the Microsoft Azure Data Lake & Microsoft Azure Event Data Hub. It provides access to a variety of product review data, including the product name, price, rating, number of reviews, and star rating.
  • Data cleaning: The data was cleaned to remove any errors or inconsistencies. This included removing duplicate records, fixing typos, and standardizing the data format.
  • Data analysis: The data was analyzed to identify trends and patterns. This included calculating the average rating for each product category, the distribution of ratings, among others.
  • Dashboard development: A Power BI dashboard was developed to visualize the data analysis results. The dashboard includes a variety of charts and graphs that make it easy to understand the data.

Data Pipeline

Full Project Schema

Data Extraction

Contains Python scripts used in the Data Engineering phase to download the data partitions hosted in Azure.


01_fetch_batch.py: fetching the batch data


02_fetch_stream.py: fetching the streaming data

Data Transformation

Contains Python and Jupyter Notebooks used to clean and prepare the two datasets: metadata and reviews.


03_data_cleaning_metadata.ipynb: cleaning each of the 15 partitions of metadata and transforming to parquet files.

  • Removed the columns "details.X", "tech1", "tech2", "fit" and "similar_item".
  • Transformation of the columns "image", "category" and "rank" into useful versions: "image_count", "category_count" and "rank_in_category".
  • Replacing useless values with nulls, changing data types and data formats like the "price" column.
  • Creation of the columns "also_buy_count" and "also_view_count".

04_data_cleaning_metadata_books.ipynb: receives all of the preprocessed partitions. The outputs are the cleaned metadata of books and the lists of book asin's used in the reviews data preparation.

  • Concat all of the pre-processed partitions and filter by books only (2.8M books).
  • Drop the columns: "also_buy","also_view","date","main_category"
  • Drop rows with invalid "brand" names.
  • Drop rows with nulls (383k books remaining).
  • Filter only the books placed in the Top 25k Rank to be used with reviews for Machine Learning (list of 12k books).


05_data_cleaning_reviews.py: filters all of the reviews extracted to only show the records associated with the books in the Top 25k rank by category.

Machine Learning


  • main.py: Entry point of the REST API, conformed by two POST method to determine the sentiment analysis of the review and book recommendation.

The API is deployed here


  • app.py It is a Streamlit application which consume the REST API and show sentiment and recommendation on demand.

The Streamlit App is deployed here

Data Analytics

Power BI Dashboard where valuable insights are shown from the provided review and metadata files, the dashboard can be seen here Link the Power BI Dashboard:


The key influencers visual may not be available for the online report view.
You must be in the list of authorized emails.
Contact the report owners for permission.

Tools and libraries used:

    Visual Studio Code
    Jupyter Notebook

    Power BI


    Tensorflow Recommenders