
Cuenca - Python client library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Cuenca – Python client library

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pip install cuenca


The preferred way to configure the credentials for the client is to set the CUENCA_API_KEY and CUENCA_API_SECRET environment variables. The client library will automatically configure based on the values of those variables.

To configure manually:

import cuenca

cuenca.configure(api_key='PKxxxx', api_secret='yyyyyy')


JWT tokens can also be used if your credentials have enough permissions. To do so, you may include the parameter use_jwt as part of your configure

import cuenca


A new token will be created at this moment and automatically renewed before sending any request if there is less than 5 minutes to be expired according to its payload data.


Create transfer

import cuenca

cuenca.configure(sandbox=True)  # if using sandbox

local_transfer_id = '078efdc20bab456285437309c4b75673'

transfer = cuenca.Transfer.create(
    recipient_name='Benito Juárez',
    account_number='646180157042875763',  # CLABE or card number
    amount=12345,  # Mx$123.45
    descriptor='sending money',  # As it'll appear for the customer

# To get updated status

Retrieve by id

import cuenca

transfer = cuenca.Transfer.retrieve('tr_123')

Query by idempotency_key, account_number and status

Results are always returned in descending order of created_at

The methods that can be used:

  • one() - returns a single result. Raises NoResultFound if there are no results and MultipleResultsFound if there are more than one
  • first() - returns the first result or None if there aren't any
  • all() - returns a generator of all matching results. Pagination is handled automatically as you iterate over the response
  • count() - returns an integer with the count of the matching results
import cuenca
from cuenca.types import Status

# find the unique transfer using the idempotency key
local_transfer_id = '078efdc20bab456285437309c4b75673'
transfer = cuenca.Transfer.one(idempotency_key=local_transfer_id)

# returns a generator of all succeeded transfers to the specific account
transfers = cuenca.Transfer.all(

# the total number of succeeded transfers
count = cuenca.Transfer.count(status=Status.succeeded)


Current balance

import cuenca

# balance is the amount in cents
balance = cuenca.get_balance()

Api Keys

Create new ApiKey and deactivate old

import cuenca

# Create new ApiKey
new = cuenca.ApiKey.create()

# Have to use the new key to deactivate the old key
old_id = cuenca.session.auth[0]
cuenca.session.configure(new.id, new.secret)
cuenca.ApiKey.deactivate(old_id, 60)  # revoke prior API key in an hour


Create a new password


To update your password


To reset password


Login in and out

...  # authenticated operation

Create login token for biometrics

# Must be logged in
token = cuenca.LoginToken.create()

# Then you can use the token which lasts for 7 days
...  # authenticated operation