
A Svelte component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia and DailyMotion. (Port of React Player)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Svelte component for playing a variety of URLs, including file paths, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, SoundCloud, Streamable, Vimeo, Wistia, Mixcloud, DailyMotion and Kaltura. This package is port of CookPete/react-player in Svelte


pnpm install svelte-player
<script lang="ts">
	import SveltePlayer from "svelte-player";

// Render a YouTube video player
<SveltePlayer url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXb3EKWsInQ" />

By default, SveltePlayer supports many different types of url. Import only one type such as svelte-player/youtube or svelte-player/lazy to lazy load the appropriate player for the url you pass in like react-player not supported.

Demo page: https://fikryfahrezy.github.io/svelte-player

The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup and external SDKs to play media from various sources. Props can be passed in to control playback and react to events such as buffering or media ending. See the demo source for a full example.

For platforms without direct use of npm modules, a minified version of SveletePlayer is not available.


  • Not available


See how react-player handle it.


Read the description at react-player.

Prop Supported Note
url -
playing -
loop -
controls -
light Set boolean value through props or custom component through <slot name="light" />
volume -
muted -
playbackRate -
width -
height -
style -
progressInterval -
playsinline -
pip -
stopOnUnmount -
fallback -
wrapper -
playIcon Pass it through <slot name="play-icon" >
previewTabIndex -
config -

Callback props

Read the description at react-player.

Callback props take a function that gets fired on various player events:

Prop Supported Svelte Player Version
onReady on:ready
onStart on:start
onPlay on:play
onProgress on:progress
onDuration on:duration
onPause on:pause
onBuffer on:buffer
onBufferEnd on:bufferEnd
onSeek on:seek
onPlaybackRateChange on:playbackRateChange
onPlaybackQualityChange on:playbackQualityChange
onEnded on:ended
onError on:error
onClickPreview on:clickPreview
onEnablePIP on:enablePIP
onDisablePIP on:disablePIP

Config prop

There is a single config prop to override settings for each type of player:

	config={ {
		youtube: {
			playerVars: {
				showinfo: 1,
		facebook: {
			appId: '12345',
	} }

See the settings here for each player live under different keys.


Static Methods

Read the description at react-player.

import { canPlay, canEnablePiP, addCustomPlayer, removeCustomPlayers } from 'svelte-player';
Method Supported

Instance Methods

Use bind:this to call instance methods on the player. See the demo app for an example of this.

Method Supported
seekTo(amount, type)

Advanced Usage

Light player

The light prop will render a video thumbnail with simple play icon, and only load the full player once a user has interacted with the image. Noembed is used to fetch thumbnails for a video URL. Note that automatic thumbnail fetching for Facebook, Wistia, Mixcloud and file URLs are not supported, and ongoing support for other URLs is not guaranteed.

If you want to pass in your own thumbnail to use, set <slot name="light" /> rather than true through light prop:

	<img slot="ligth" src="https://example.com/thumbnail.png" alt="Thumbnail" />

The styles for the preview image and play icon can be overridden by targeting the CSS classes svelte-player__preview, svelte-player__shadow and svelte-player__play-icon.

Responsive player

Set width and height to 100% and wrap the player in a fixed aspect ratio box to get a responsive player:

<script lang="ts">
  import SveltePlayer from "svelte-player";

<div class="player-wrapper">
  <div class="svelte-player">

.player-wrapper {
  position: relative;
  padding-top: 56.25%; /* 720 / 1280 = 0.5625 */

.svelte-player {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;

See StackBlitz example

SDK Overrides

Not supported.

Standalone player

Not supported.

Adding custom players

If you have your own player that is compatible with SveltePlayer’s internal architecture, you can add it using addCustomPlayer:

<script lang="ts">
	import { addCustomPlayer } from "svelte-player";

		key: "custom-player",
		name: "CustomPlayer",
		canPlay(url) {
			return /example\.com/.test(url);
		loadComponent() {
			return import('../somewhere');

Use removeCustomPlayers to clear all custom players:

<script lang="ts">
	import { removeCustomPlayers } from "svelte-player";


It is your responsibility to ensure that custom players keep up with any internal changes to SveltePlayer in later versions.

Mobile considerations

Read at react-player.

Multiple Sources and Tracks

Passing an array of YouTube URLs to the url prop will load them as an untitled playlist.

<script lang="ts">
	import SveltePlayer from "svelte-player";


When playing file paths, an array of sources can be passed to the url prop to render multiple <source> tags.

<SveltePlayer playing={true} url={["foo.webm", "foo.ogg"]} />

You can also specify a type for each source by using objects with src and type properties.

		{ src: "foo.webm", type: "video/webm" },
		{ src: "foo.ogg", type: "video/ogg" }

<track> elements for subtitles can be added using config.file:

	config={ {
		file: {
			tracks: [
				{ kind: "subtitles", src: "subs/subtitles.en.vtt", srclang: "en", default: true },
				{ kind: "subtitles", src: "subs/subtitles.ja.vtt", srclang: "ja" },
				{ kind: "subtitles", src: "subs/subtitles.de.vtt", srclang: "de" }
	} }
