
My solution for Amenitiz's assignment using Rails and React

Primary LanguageRuby

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This fullstack App is designed to work as a simple shopping cart that you can run on a web browser.

It uses Ruby on Rails to handle the back-end calculations and database interactions. PostgreSQL is our relational database. And we use React to handle our front-end needs.

Once the server is started, the app becomes available at our localhost:3000/ address, where it'll load all the products available in products table, some of which may have promotions available in promotions table.

The user will be able to increase or decrease the quantity of products to shop, and once Add to cart is clicked, it'll call our back-end to get the final price of their purchase, including any discounts any product may have.

It's able to handle two types of discounts at the moment, what I call EQUAL or GREATER discounts.

EQUAL: these promotions apply each time a quantity-of-items condition is met. They are your 2x1 and 3x2 types.

GREATER: these are your After the third unit, you get a 10% discount for all of them types. It'll check if the minimum number of items is met and apply the discount to all those items in the cart.

Once the calculation is done, it'll send back a json response which React will consume to update the page the user is on.

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System dependencies

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Download App

Clone this repository to your location of choice.

git clone https://github.com/LuisEd2094/AmenitizRails

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Set up App

First, we need to go where we downloaded our app. If you cloned the repo without indicating a folder, it'd probably be in a folder called AmenitizRails, so you can run:


cd AmenitizRails

Once inside our folder run this bash script:

sudo gem install rails
sudo gem install bundler


Now we need to use bundle to install our gems. By default, it'll try to install them at /var/lib/gems. You may or may not have access to this folder with your current user.

There are a few options you might try. You can do:

bundle config set path './vendor/bundle'

this will configure your bundle to use the path at ./vendor/bundle to store and check your gems at the root of the repo you cloned.

Or you can instead change the path where bundler installs gems, for example to your user's home directory, running something like this:

export GEM_HOME="$HOME/.gems"
export PATH="$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH"

I'd suggest the first option. Either way, after you have done any of them, you can run:

bundler install

You can also simply run it as sudo, but this might cause issues for other users on the system if they try to run the app:

sudo bundler install

Once this is done, you'll have all the gems you need to run the app.


For our next step, we need to set up our databases and tables. We can let rails handle it by running:

rails db:create && rails db:migrate && rails db:seed

this will create the databases we will be using for dev and testing and populate the dev database.

You can check the datapoints created in the db/seeds.rb file. You can add or remove from this file if you want to change anything.

Running the server

Finally, start the server running rails s or rails server at the root of our repo and then open in your web browser.

And that's it! You should see all the products that were loaded to our database, and you can now start adding products to the cart!

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If your database requires a password to connect, you can add it to your env variables.

The App will try to read the password PG_PASSWORD.

You can set up the app to use your database's password by doing any of the following:

  • If you are not storing your database's password in a env variable you can create it with:
export PG_PASSWORD=yourpassword
  • Modifying the database.yml file located in config/database.yml and searching for the line:
password : <%= ENV['PG_PASSWORD'] %>

Either way, Rails will use your password to connect to the database automatically.

If you haven't done so already, you can modify your ~/.bashrc file by adding

export PG_PASSWORD=yourpassword

to the end of it so that bash loads your password correctly everytime you run a new terminal.

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You can simply run

rails test

at the root of the repo and it'll automatically run all the tests located at test/.

You can run a specific test if you add the file name at the end of the command.

For example:

rails test test/models/product_test.rb

will run all the tests for the model product.

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Install Ruby

We are using Ruby 3.0.2, you can run this to install it:

sudo apt install ruby-full -y

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Install PSQL

We will need to install PostgreSQL on the system, create a Database in it for our user and grant permissions to our user to be able to create tables.

You will need to add your user to the server's database, if you don't know your user you can run

echo $USER

and it'll print the current user's name.

To install PostgreSQL:

sudo apt install postgresql -y
sudo apt install libpq-dev -y

Since it's a new installation, if we try to run psql it'll ask for a password that has not been set up. So we can run the following command to change our user on the terminal to postgres, which will allow us to connect to our Postgre server.

sudo -i -u postgres

Then run:


And now we are inside our server!

It's time to create our user, its database and give the proper roles to it.

Make sure to replace "user" and "new_password" with your user and password, respectively.

Create user:

CREATE USER user WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';

Create it's own database:


Give our new user the neccesary roles:




While you are here, you can change the postgres user's password to be able to connect to psql directly as postgres user in the future. Just run:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'new_password';

to update postgres password.

That's it! You can close the terminal now or type exit once to exit the server and exit again to leave our postgres' terminal session.

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Install React

If you haven't installed node in your system, you will need to install it along side the gem. Run:

sudo apt install nodejs -y

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Common Installation Errors

You might need to upgrade your system to get everything working.


sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -y  build-essential

You will need to have yaml libs installed, if you haven't you can run:

sudo apt install libyaml-dev libpython2.7-dev

Some first time users of Ruby have reported that they need to run:

sudo bundle install

at the root of the repository, then clone the repo again, and then run:

bundle config set path './vendor/bundle'
bundle install

at the root of the repo.

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