
Primary LanguageKotlin

Test - Ted Talks Project - Luis Eduardo Patiño

Technical Document

Requirements from the Assessments included in the Solution

  • CRUD
  • Additional APIs:
    • Get Talk by ID
    • Upload talks from CSV file
  • Kotlin (as a language)
  • Unit Test (not full coverage due to the short time)
  • SpringBoot
  • Documentation: OpenApi
  • Database: Postgres SQL
  • Design patterns
  • Docker: To create instance of Postgres SQL
  • Test: Postman and Unit test
  • Caching: Caffeine
  • API documentation: OpenApi (Swagger)
  • RESTful API: use many of the HttpMethods and RESTful principles
  • Architecture: Hexagonal Architecture


You need to do next steps to start with develop or run to this project.


Java configuration:

  • Download version 17 of the JDk according to the operating system (JDK list)

  • To verify the version of java, we need to execute the following command:

    $ java -version

Run the API

Steps to run the API:

  • We must install or update the necessary dependencies for the API.

  • run the project using your IDE or console.

OpenAPI Documentation (Swagger)

In order to see the endpoints of the services, you must go to the browser and open the following url:


Testing API

Run the App fro the IDE and used the information provided in the Postman Folder.

Postman Testing using Postman

  • Install postman app
  • Open Postman and Import the Collection from the /Postman/TalksCollection.postman_collection.json
  • Open All the request and Execute. Suggested Order:
    • Create a Talk
    • Upload Talks
    • Update Talks
    • GetTalks (paginated)
    • getTalkById
    • SearchTalk By Filters (title, author, Likes or Views)

Note: For Upload Talk, you can use the data.csv added into the folder Postman, you can use the same structure to create your own example. This API allow only .csv files.

Use Postman as DB

Please, you can use postgres as a DB. If you want you can use docker to create postman as a service using the definition in the docker-compose.yml. To run it you can run this command in the root path from the terminal:

docker-compose up -d  

After, you can run the app from the IDE, and it will create the Table with all the columns required using liquibase. You can see the initial changes for the database in the /src/main/resources/db/changelog/.

Used Technology

Kotlin Kotlin

Spring Boot Spring Boot

Gradle Gradle

Rest Rest

OpenApi OpenApi

Other Tools included:

  • Postgres SQL
  • Docker
  • Junit5
  • Liquibase
  • Caffeine (cache)
  • H2 (DB in memory)