TCP Server


  • Create a TCP server that listens on a port specified by an environment variable PORT.

  • When a client connects to the server, a unique ID is generated and sent back to the client

  • Quando um cliente se conecta ao servidor, um id único é gerado e enviado de volta ao cliente

  • The client can send messages with three parts of data:

    • id - the client's ID (mandatory)
    • action - an action expected by the server (mandatory)
    • body - any data (JSON, plain text, anything) that a client wants to send to the server (optional).
  • When the client sends a message with the action LIST, the server should return a list of all connected client IDs

  • When the client sends a message with the action RELAY, the server should send the message from the body field to all connected clients.

How to use


For the TCP client/server project, we have uploaded a vendor folder with dependencies. Therefore, you will need to build the package using:

go build cmd/tcp/main.go


After building the Go package, you can use this package by running one of the following commands:

  • PORT=8080 ./main server to run the server on PORT 8080.
  • PORT=8080 ./main client to run the client, connecting to the server on localhost, which is running on port 8080.


The available commands are:

  • LIST to get ID for all connected clients
  • RELAY:<message> to send <message> to all clients

If you are not connected using the official client, you must send a message using this pattern:
