
Data sets and scripts for the paper in Buildings and Environment.

Primary LanguageR


Data sets and scripts for the publication:

Reconstruction of the indoor temperature dataset of a house using data driven models for performance evaluation. Luis M Candanedo, Veronique Feldheim, Dominique Deramaix. Building and Environment 138, 2018, 250-261. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360132318302476

Here you will find:

  • The data set used in the paper. You just need to unzip the file "energy_weather_temp.zip".
  • The R commands to reproduce exploratory figures.
  • Some of the figures of the paper.
  • The R scripts for model training.
  • The commands for model testing.
  • Also note that when training and testing the models you have to use the seed command to ensure reproducibility. There may be small variations in the reported results due to different training and testing splits and because of the random forest model.

Please read the commented lines in the model development file. Install all the packages dependencies before trying to train and test the models.

It is advised to execute each command one by one in case you find any errors/warnings about a missing package.

Please do not forget to cite the publication! Thank you!

Keywords: Learning curves, Multiple linear regression, Random forest, Passive house, Temperatures, sample size