provides a simple mechanism to locally serve your spec files


pip install serve-swagger


you can pass in a local file

serve-swagger my-spec.yaml

and now you can visit it at http://localhost:5000

if you want to share your site on your local network you will need to specify the host

serve-swagger --host= c:\users\joran\demo\my_spec.yaml

now anyone can go to your network ip at http://10.10.X.Y:5000 and view your API docs

you can also specify the portnumber

serve-swagger -p 8080 api-spec.json

this would expose the server on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080)

usage: serve-swagger [-h] [-p [PORT]] [-s [HOST]] [-v] [swagger_spec_file]

positional arguments:
  swagger_spec_file     a local swagger spec file, or a url that serves a
                        swagger spec file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p [PORT], --port [PORT]
                        the port to serve on
  -s [HOST], --host [HOST]
                        the host interface to serve on
  -v, --debug           run flask in debug mode