
Repo for 'The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real-World Project' on Udemy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real-World Project' on Udemy

###This repository consists of code containing:

  • Section 2: JavaScript Language Basics

    • Here, I practice the core fundamentals of JavaScript syntax
  • Section 3: How JavaScript Works Behind the Scenes

    • This section contains code where I practice the JavaScript concepts of Hoisting, Scoping, and the 'this' keyword.
  • Section 4: JavaScript in the Browser: DOM Manipulation and Events

    • This section contains a Pig Game (dice) project, where I practice DOM Manipulation and Event Handling. First player to 100 points wins!

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  • Section 5: Advanced JavaScript: Objects and Functions

    • Here, I dive deeper into more advance JavaScript concepts such as function constructors, prototype chains, closures, calling and binding, etc.
  • Section 6: The Budget App Project

    • This section contains a complex Budget App Project that puts everything together I've learned so far about JavaScript in this course. This includes understanding module implementation within JavaScript, System Design/Architechture, creating an initialization function, more advanced DOM Manipulation with vanilla JavaScript, Event Listeners and Event Delegation, etc.

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  • Section 7: Get Ready for the Future: ES6 / ES2015

    • Here, I practice the changes made, and differences between ES6 (ES2015) and ES5 syntax.