The dataset used in this project was first published by Anguita et al. (2012) [1] and can be downloaded in original format from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
This repository contains 1) the file describing the variables for the datasets, 2) the tiddy datasets for the merged files (test and train datasets) and the averaged results per participant, and 3) the run_analysis.R file that does all needed transformations for this project.
The R code runs as follows:
#run_analysis.R week 4 project
rm(list = ls()) #remove any previous element in the workspace
#Load the feature/activity labels
Fnames <- readLines("features.txt")
#Get the means and stds only - I am ignoring all mean frequencies
meanstds <- grep("mean\\(|std\\(",Fnames)
indvec <- -rep(1,561) # a total of 561 variables (From Fnames)
indvec[meanstds] = 1 # Just read the variables we need
#Making tiddy names
Mynames <- tolower(Fnames[meanstds])
secondElement <- function(x){x[2]}
Mynames <- sapply(strsplit(Mynames, " "), secondElement)
#Get rid of the parenthesis
Mynames <- sub("\\(\\)", "", Mynames)
Mynames <- gsub("`","", Mynames)
#Read test and train data
testfile = "./test/X_test.txt"
Numlines = length(readLines(testfile))
testdata <- read.fwf(testfile, widths = rep(16,561)*indvec, sep = "", n = Numlines)
trainfile = "./train/X_train.txt"
Numlines = length(readLines(trainfile))
traindata <- read.fwf(trainfile, widths = rep(16,561)*indvec, sep = "", n = Numlines)
#Load the index labels for each activity and the real labels
testlabelfile <-"./test/y_test.txt"
testlabels <- data.frame(labels = readLines(testlabelfile))
trainlabelfile <-"./train/y_train.txt"
trainlabels <- data.frame(labels =readLines(trainlabelfile))
mergedlabels <- rbind(testlabels, trainlabels)
activities <- readLines("activity_labels.txt")
activities <- data.frame(id = factor(1:6), activity = sapply(strsplit(activities, " "), secondElement)) #Get the second element only
mergedActivities <- left_join(mergedlabels,activities, c("labels" ="id"))
#Merge test and train data in one matrix
MergedData <- rbind(testdata,traindata)
rm(list = c("testdata","traindata")) #Remove the separated datasets
#Ad the column names for the dataset
colnames(MergedData) <- Mynames
#The Participant indices per test and train data
testPart <- as.numeric(readLines("./test/subject_test.txt"))
trainPart <- as.numeric(readLines("./train/subject_train.txt"))
SubID <- data.frame(participant = c(testPart, trainPart))
#Merged all three frames
database <- cbind(SubID, mergedActivities, MergedData)
database$labels <- NULL
aux <- split(database, as.factor(database$participant))
#aux2 <- aggregate(onepart[,-(1:2)], list(onepart$activity), mean)
meanbyparticipant <,lapply(aux, function(chunk) aggregate(chunk[,-2], list(chunk$activity), mean)))
colnames(meanbyparticipant)[1] <- "activities"
#Write both datasets in two csv files
write.csv(database,"mergeddata.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(meanbyparticipant, "meanbyparticipant.csv",row.names=FALSE)
write.table(meanbyparticipant, "meanbyparticipant.txt",row.names=FALSE)
[1] Davide Anguita, Alessandro Ghio, Luca Oneto, Xavier Parra and Jorge L. Reyes-Ortiz. Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones using a Multiclass Hardware-Friendly Support Vector Machine. International Workshop of Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2012). Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Dec 2012