
:tiger: An example of a cool Rasa bot

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Rasa Demo bot

Build Status

🏄 Introduction

The purpose of this repo is to help you build a cool bot with Rasa.

It's the alpha version of the bot that supports two user goals:

  • Subscribing to the Rasa newsletter
  • Placing a request for a call with Rasa's sales team

If you want to read more about why we made it and try chatting to it, you can find it here

You can find planned enhancements for the demo in the Project Board

🤖 Installation + Running of the bot

To install the bot, please clone the repo and run:

cd rasa-demo
pip install -e .

This will install the bot and all of its requirements. Note that it was written in Python 3 so might not work with PY2.

To train the core model: make train-core

To train the NLU model: make train-nlu

To run the bot with both these models:

docker run -p 8000:8000 rasa/duckling
make run-cmdline

There are some custom actions that require connections to external services, specifically ActionSubscribeNewsletter and ActionStoreSalesInfo. For these to run you would need to have your own MailChimp newsletter and a Google sheet to connect to.

If you would like to run the bot on the website, you need to install the great Rasa Addons repo:

pip install git+https://github.com/mrbot-ai/rasa-addons@0.3.3

Then follow the instructions here to place the chat widget on your website.

👩‍💻 Overview of the files

data/core/ - contains stories for Rasa Core

data/nlu - contains example NLU training data

demo - contains custom action/api code

domain.yml - the domain file for Core

nlu_tensorflow.yml - the NLU config file

🎁 License

Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. Copyright 2018 Rasa Technologies GmbH. Copy of the license. Licensees may convey the work under this license. There is no warranty for the work.