Welcome to ARTISANAL PIZZA PANTRY – a dynamic React app that seamlessly connects with an external API to bring you a delectable array of pizza options. With a few clicks, users can effortlessly explore and choose the pizza that resonates with their cravings. Our user-friendly interface ensures a hassle-free experience as you embark on a culinary journey through our virtual restaurant.
- React
- React Router
- Axios
- Redux Toolkit
- Tailwind
- React-Toastify
Front-End Development with React:
- Build responsive user interfaces using React components.
- Implement component-based architecture for better code organization.
- Utilize hooks (e.g., useState, useEffect, useRef) to manage state and side effects.
- Implement routing using React Router to enable navigation within the app.
- Integrate third-party libraries, like React Toast, for enhanced user experience.
- Implement and manage forms to collect user input (e.g., creating orders).
- Handle conditional rendering based on different states (e.g., loading, success, error).
State Management with Redux:
- Implement Redux to manage global state in a centralized manner.
- Define actions, reducers, and slices to modify the state.
- Use Thunk middleware for asynchronous actions (e.g., fetching data from APIs).
- Utilize selectors to efficiently extract specific data from the state.
Styling and Design:
- Apply responsive design principles to ensure the app works well on various screen sizes.
- Use CSS frameworks (e.g., Tailwind CSS) to style components consistently and efficiently.
- Implement dark mode to provide users with a choice of visual theme.
API Integration:
- Fetch data from external APIs using libraries like Axios.
- Handle API requests and responses, including error handling. Utilize async/await to manage asynchronous operations effectively.
First clone this repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/LuisSalas94/ARTISANAL-PIZZA-PANTRY-React-Pizza
Install dependencies. Make sure you already have nodejs
& npm
installed in your system.
$ npm install # or yarn
Run it
$ npm start # or yarn start
- GitHub: @LuisSalas94
- LinkedIn: Fernando Salas
- Medium: Fernando Salas
- Portfolio: Fernando Salas Portfolio
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.
Original design by Nelson Sakwa on Behance
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This project is MIT licensed.