
A simple wishlist scrape using python3, re and urllib

Primary LanguagePython

Wishlist Scrape

This project aims to generate simple log files containing current prices on items from your wishlist (and their sum).


This project makes use of the following python3 libs:

  • urllib
  • re
  • json
  • datetime
  • threadings
  • sys
  • os
  • bs4


Just follow the steps:

  1. make
  2. ./wcalc path/to/file/with/links output/file/directory
  • ./wcalc - The program itself
  • path/to/file/with/links - A simple text file, containing all the links to be fetch, separated by an newline character (\n)
  • output/file/directory - A directory to place the .json file created after the fetch

Use examples

Let's say that i have a file on lists/test.txt with this inside:


I could run the program by typing the following commands:

./wcalc lists/test.txt logs

And then, the program will automatically see the domain on the links and select the right API for that site.

Supported Websites

At the moment, the API only extends to the following websites:

  • mercadolivre
  • kabum
  • terabyteshop (not stable)

Creating your custom API

I've designed this script to be as modular as you want. So with that in mind, just need some little coding to make this script adapt to your desired website.

You'll need basic knowledge in re and python3 in order to create your own API.

With that in mind, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to src/sites and create your own website API (ex: google.py)

  • On the source file, follow the guide below:

    class Google:
        def fetch(self, link):
            # Here you fetch on the link given the information you want
            # then, after fetched, return a dictionary with the following
            # keys:
            # dict['title'] -> product title, need to be a String
            # dict['price'] -> product price, need to be a Float
  • Then, go to src/sites/api.py and include on the header an import to your API, like this:

    from sites.google import Google
    #          ^your file    ^your class
  • And then, add support to your API down there:

    # Possible domains and it's correspondent API's
        domains = {
            'kabum.com.br': Kabum,
            'terabyteshop.com.br': Terabyte,
            'mercadolivre.com.br': ML,
            'google.com.br': Google,            # ADD THIS LINE
  • Test your API and feel free to make a Pull Request!


Developed by Felipe Ramos under the MIT License

version     0.2.3