Greenthumb-VanillaJs in a nutshell, it's a page where to display the best plant for you to buy, based on the match made on the page, the best plants to have is revealed after you match the amount of sunlight the plant will receive, how often you water, and finally if you have pets and if they chew plants.
Navigation demo MOBILE
Navigation demo DESKTOP
used Atomic Design Methodology to organize the components
I used vanillaJS? Lol or not I just didn't use any framework? shahshashahs ==> MADE IN PURE JAVASCRIPT :) <==
Browse to the folder where you want to place the page, open a terminal tab and type this command below to clone the project, follow the rest of the instructions to download
git clone
After the pagina Greenthumb-VanillaJs
has been downloaded enter the following commands
cd Greenthumb-VanillaJS
npm install
All ready, now to open the page on your computer just type the following command
npm start
END =)
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