Boilerplate/Starter Project for building RESTful APIs and microservices using Node.js, Express and MongoDB
Automatically restarting in development wtih Nodemon
ES2018 latest features with Sucrase
Linting with eslint
Eslint-config-airbnb airbnb-config
Consistent coding styles with editorconfig
CORS enabled
Uses helmet to set some HTTP headers for security
Gzip compression with compression
Load environment variables from .env files with dotenv
Logging with morgan
- API documentation generation with swagger-jsdoc
- Add docs in new routes: planos, taxas, simulacao.
- Migrate to Mongodb Models and Create crud to Models.
- Docker support
- Express + MongoDB (Mongoose)
- Request validation with joi
- Tests with mocha, chai and sinon
- Code coverage with istanbul and coveralls
- Git hooks with husky
- Deploy on Netlify + Serverless suport
- Continuous integration support with travisCI
- Bettercodehub
- Monitoring with pm2
- Start application
git clone --depth 1
cd Desafio-Telefonia
rm -rf .git
cp .env.example .env
yarn dev
yarn build
yarn start
# try to fix ESLint errors
yarn fix-lint