Software Engineer and AI researcher, passionate about AI and iOS development. WWDC22 Scholarship Winner, Apple Developer Academy alumnus
Victoria, Canada
LuizGuerra's Followers
- abfanckPorto Alegre, RS, Brasil
- adamjames66Vancouver, BC
- anderlentziOS Developer
- brunorbrBoostIT
- camileancinesPorto Alegre
- Carloshsc
- chiarapaskulinTrinsic
- dscalon
- duan-nguyenLittleMarket.COM
- enohrNelogica
- gabrielferrazduque
- GabrielSBotelhoParaíba, Brasil
- gaigozporto alegre
- gimpo-james
- guerra08e-Core
- guilhermeRangelApple Developer Academy
- gustavotravassosPorto Alegre, Brazil
- jobedylbasInstituto de Pesquisas Eldorado
- JoseanaApple Developer Academy
- LeoMello07BairesDev
- livekiBrasil, Rio Grande do Sul
- LuizAntonioRiboli@MonteBravo
- MarcusBadialeApple Developer Academy
- matheusfogiattoApple Developer Academy | PUCRS
- meduardacnThoughtWorks
- PinalliZanc
- pportella23Porto Alegre , RS - Brasil
- punctuationsVancouver, Canada
- rafaelruwerEldorado Research Institute
- RafaracheUFRGS
- raulferrodrigues
- RonaldMacielCWI
- shuaiyuhao
- Uncle-SolomonVictoria, British Columbia, Canada
- vcsoaresPoatek
- vitorm2Apple Developer Academy | PUCRS