
fast.CopyRegion() doesn't maintain image transparency

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When using fast.CopyRegion() to draw a bitmap onto another bitmap, the image is drawn as if the background of the image being drawn onto another bitmap is not transparent.

CopyRegion performs a SourceCopy-style operation across the bitmaps which ignores transparency completely. To perform a blended bitmap copy operation you'd have to copy pixel-by-pixel calculating the final color yourself.

Here's a snippet of code (that copies entire bitmaps instead of regions, but could be adapted to work like CopyRegion) that I use in another project, along with the handy color-blending function it uses:

int width = target.Width;
int height = target.Height;

using (FastBitmap fastTarget = target.FastLock(), fastForeBitmap = foreBitmap.FastLock())
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            fastTarget.SetPixel(x, y, FlattenColor(fastTarget.GetPixelUInt(x, y), fastForeBitmap.GetPixelUInt(x, y)));

Here's the FlattenColor method the code above references:

/// <summary>
/// Flattens two colors using a GDI+ like color blending mode
/// </summary>
/// <param name="backColor">The back color to blend</param>
/// <param name="foreColor">The fore color to blend</param>
/// <returns>The two colors, blended with a GDI+ like color bleding mode</returns>
public static uint FlattenColor(uint backColor, uint foreColor)
    // Based off an answer by an anonymous user on StackOverlow
    byte foreA = (byte)((foreColor >> 24) & 0xFF);

    if (foreA == 0)
        return backColor;
    if (foreA == 255)
        return foreColor;

    byte foreR = (byte)((foreColor >> 16) & 0xFF);
    byte foreG = (byte)((foreColor >> 8) & 0xFF);
    byte foreB = (byte)((foreColor) & 0xFF);

    byte backA = (byte)((backColor >> 24) & 0xFF);
    byte backR = (byte)((backColor >> 16) & 0xFF);
    byte backG = (byte)((backColor >> 8) & 0xFF);
    byte backB = (byte)((backColor) & 0xFF);

    float backAlphaFloat = backA;
    float foreAlphaFloat = foreA;

    float foreAlphaNormalized = foreAlphaFloat / 255;
    float backColorMultiplier = backAlphaFloat * (1 - foreAlphaNormalized);

    float alpha = backAlphaFloat + foreAlphaFloat - backAlphaFloat * foreAlphaNormalized;

    uint finalA = (uint)Math.Min(255, alpha);
    uint finalR = (uint)(Math.Min(255, (foreR * foreAlphaFloat + backR * backColorMultiplier) / alpha));
    uint finalG = (uint)(Math.Min(255, (foreG * foreAlphaFloat + backG * backColorMultiplier) / alpha));
    uint finalB = (uint)(Math.Min(255, (foreB * foreAlphaFloat + backB * backColorMultiplier) / alpha));

    return finalA << 24 | finalR << 16 | finalG << 8 | finalB;

I decided to not include this functionality straight into FastBitmap to not pin the library on a specific color blending function that I otherwise couldn't tell was the best one.

Hope this helps, lemme know if you need anything else!

Hey, good to know it worked! I'll be closing down the issue then.
