An open-source social media site for creatives.
No addictive infinite scroll.
- How many posts do you want to scroll for? Use our service, and get back to living your life.
- Max 50 posts, you can define the number of posts you view whenever you log in.
- Maybe a timer.
No like buttons.
- Only comments.
No data trading/harvesting.
- Advertising - if we get that far - will be curated, not targeted.
git clone
npm i
cd client && npm i
cd ..
npm run dev
Clones the project to your machine and runs both the server and client concurrently.
MEVN stack, mongoose, axios, showdown, nodemon, atlas, kanban, github
[title](link) like so
![alt text for accessibility](image.jpg) format images
<del>text here</del>
And many more, look into markdown or just use html elements
This project is open-source and community led. Feel free to open any issues, and send PRs. Check the projects tab for the current todos, and introduce yourself if you'd like.
Chai/Mocha unit tests located in server/tests. Currently at 100% coverage.
Load tests (using !npm loadtest) peaked at 118 requests a second.