Everything for exercise-3 of the Ubicomp course at HSG
created Pod under: https://solid.interactions.ics.unisg.ch/LukaTest/ with WebId: https://solid.interactions.ics.unisg.ch/LukaTest/profile/card#me
unauthenticated HTTP GET request via Curl: curl https://solid.interactions.ics.unisg.ch/LukaTest/profile/card#me
authenticated Request can be found under: AuthenticationRequest.mjs
All Resources are created over class: Resource_creation.mjs
The sharing is managed over class: Resource_sharing.mjs
I granted Lukas access to my Pod and we tested what he can access. We found following: myFriendsInfo.txt = he can access it (200) because
myFamilyInfo.txt = he cant access it (403) because he is not authorized. This is because i only granted him access to my test container
The Solid App is added in: Resource_SolidAppCreation.mjs
a) method: createResource
b) method: Please note that it displays the name, currentactivity and probability on the console and not in a unity application.
c) method: addAuthorizationRuleFriends
I created a method which asks for the username of the friend you want to grant access to your Solid Pod resource (Lukas, Jan or Adrian). This function uses the readline module to interact via the command line, presenting a list of friends to choose from. You can select a friend by entering the corresponding number. Based on this selection, the function then adds a new ACL rule, specifying the chosen friend's WebID and the access rights they are granted (e.g., Read, Write). This new rule is added to the ACL file of the specified resource
d) method: printActivityDetails Takes the data from Lukas currentActivity file and displays it in the console. Same as b) just with his Pod
The Solid App is added in: Resource_SolidAppQuery.mjs
a)-c) implemented
d)implemented through choosing the name of a friend
- For some reason i could not create Solid Pods with the emails i used to create the pods in web-based course (luka.bekavac@student.unisg.ch & bekavac@live.de) it gave me no error but also did not create new pods. Also i cant see my old pods anymore (i think it was "LukaBiceps") it worked for me when using a third new mail luka@bekavac.de
- took me some time to find out that the example URL in 4a) for authorization is wrong. It states https://solid.int.ics.unisg.ch/kimPod/songs/aboutTime.txt, but it should be https://solid.interactions.ics.unisg.ch/kimPod/songs/aboutTime.txt All of us had this problem and we could not access the hobbies.txt file we created, simply because we granted access to a not existing pod url.
- Since i had no Unity application from Assignment 2 and the solid authentication and creation of the pods took me way longer than anticipated, i decided at some point to focus on the decentralized data storing and not on the Unity application.