
Example Looker Extension that showcases javascript event listening in the embed. Specifically leverages dashboard listeners with the embed sdk to update the vis config, filters, and dynamically show/hide tile titles.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Installation Instructions

  1. yarn install while in root directory
  2. Attach Manfiest.lkml file to project in Looker (ensure appropriate model access)
  3. Adjust dashboard id in MainDashboard.tsx component (some vis types might need further checks when changing color, etc. be warned)
  4. Adjust handleChange function in EmbedDashboard Component to use the appropriate filter field(s) from the dashboard being used
  5. Adjust the options in the <Select /> component to use the appropriate values for the filter(s) you want to adjust from outside of the dashboard
  6. yarn dev to run dev server (output should be http://localhost:8080/bundle.js, which will be the url in the application parameter of the manifest)