This is the new Version of the Arduino Spot Welder. The previous version can be found here
An Arduino based Spot Welder for battery welding
Build Video:
Improvements in the V2:
- only one mosfet driver instead of four
- changed electrolytic capacitor to film capacitor
- capacitors closer to the mosfet driver
- wider pcb traces for high current paths
- added gate resistors for the mosfets
- aluminum u-shaped part for the mosfet board (much easier to assemble)
- general pcb layout improvements
- pcb is now designed in KiCad (more open source than Eagle)
This Spot Welder can be used to weld 18650 batteries. It needs a 7-12V power source (12V recommended) and uses a 12V car battery as welding current supply. Typically one 45Ah battery delivers enough current to get good welds with 0.15mm nickel strips. For thicker nickel strips maybe you will need bigger battery or two in paralell.
The Welder generates a double pulse, where the first one is 1/8 of the time of the second one. Pulse time of second pulse is adjustable by the potentiometer and displayed on the screen in mS so you can exactly adjust the time. Its adjustable from 1 ... 20 mS.
If you want to download the project click on "clone or download" on this page. Downloading single files sometimes seems to cause some files to be corrupted while downloading.
You can get parts to build your own Spot Welder or prebuilt kits at