
Repository for Software Engineering Project 3

Primary LanguageJava


Repository for Software Engineering Project 3

Beta-Pirates Members

  • Dáire Fagan 14749125
  • Lukasz Filanowski 18414616
  • Cal Nolan 18355103
  • Conor Fowler 18458476

Old Files added in previous Sprints

  • testController.java - used for testing new implementations and ideas without affecting old working ones.
  • main.fxml - contains fxml for the application main window.
  • help.txt - a file containing useful information for the user on how to use the application.
  • help.fxml - simple stage where the help.txt will be displayed to the user. -test.fxml - used to test new implementations in the layout of the application without breaking/interfering with already working features.
  • resource folder- added icon for the application in the top left conrner once launched.
  • Controller.java - contains functionality for saving/loading, editing and deleting a panel from the bottom section of the application.
  • Character.java - a class containing data of each new character object such as their hair colour, gender etc.
  • ImageLists.java - a class that contains the list of all character images and background images as well as a method to access them from the controller which has been edited.
  • Comic.java - a class that contains data of the current state of the comic such as which pannel currently has which character etc.
  • TextGraphic.java - experimental class which will be used in future to convert text to images.
  • directoryList.txt - a text file which contains the paths of images in the resources/images/characters folder. This is used in order to allow the jar to reference the character images correctly without crashing
  • backgroundList.txt - a text file which contains the paths of images in the resources/images/backgrounds folder. This is used in order to allow the jar to reference the background images correctly without crashing
  • TestImageLists - a method that tests the ImageLists class (work in progress). -ButtonController.java - Contains functionality relating to the buttons in the application
  • CharacterController.java - Contains functionality relating to changing the state of the character image (excluding colours).
  • ColourController.java - Contains functionality relating to changing colours and colour alteration/checking
  • ComicController.java - Contains functionality for inserting images into the comic panel.
  • LowerPanelController.java - Contains functionality for the bottom section of the application responsible for saving/loading/deleting and displaying the saved panels.
  • MidScrollPaneController.java - Contains functionality for the middle panel of the application which displays all available characters and backgrounds.

New Files added/updated in Sprint 9

  • Controller.java - contains instances of all controllers, proxy methods for fxml functions and runs the main application
  • main.fxml - contains fxml for the application main window.
  • SaveComicCOntroller.java - contains functionality for saving the comic as a GIF.
  • LowerPanelController.java - contains functionality for swapping positions of already saved panels.
  • test.fxml - used to test new implementations in the layout of the application without breaking/interfering with already working features.
  • help.txt - a file containing useful information for the user on how to use the application.
  • help.fxml - simple stage where the help.txt will be displayed to the user.

Instructions on setting up and running the project

Java version: 8 JUnit version: 4

The following link outlines ways to set up the JavaFX project if versions other than Java 8 are used. You will need to add a library which is pointing to the lib file of the JavaFX SDK as well as edit the VM options (The VM options only need to be edited if a version other than Java 8 is used). The link walks through this process for a variety of IDEs and Java versions. https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/

For IntelliJ users: File >> Project Structure >> Libraries >> '+' icon and navigate to the lib file of your Java SDK

To edit VM options: Run >> Edit Configurations >> Enter relevant command from the article into the VM options box.

We have created a .jar file in the root directory of the project which runs when ran from inside an IDE like Intellij as well as command line. Navigate to the root project folder and use the command: java -jar Beta_Pirates.jar. It still runs from within the IDE which can be done by right clicking on the .jar file and selecting "Run Beta_Pirates.jar".

In addition to using Maven to load the dependencies in the pom.xml file, tesing JavaFX properly with TestFX requires RobotFX, and manually adding the library org.testfx:testfx-junit:4.0.14-alpha to the project. In IntelliJ this can be achieved from the settings, Project Structure >> Library >> (+) New Library >> Maven >> org.testfx:testfx-junit:4.0.14-alpha or browsing org.testfx:testfx-junit. Right clicking the project, and then selecting reload project from the Maven menu may be required. In case of any issue, please just comment out the tests.

General Info about implementation of Sprint 9

In this sprint, we focussed on both the necessary implementation of swapping panels as well as saving a comic as a GIF, making the program "discover" the character and background image directories wiich allows for the addition of new characters and backgrounds dynamically, moving the controllers into their own package, general bug fixing and small changes to the look of the program.

In order to swap 2 panels, select one panel that is already saved in the bottom section. Then, press the right mouse button on the other panel you wish to swap. The 2 panels will swap places with each other.

An additional implementation was added to the application which allows for deleting the entire contents of the bottom panel. Go to File >> Delete Comic to do so. A confirmation prompt will appear asking if you want to save first or proceed with the deletion.

We also implemented the ability to save a comic as a GIF. Once you have a series of panels saved, go to File >> Save as GIF. You will be promped to give the file a name and a save directory. You can access the generated GIF in the specified directory.

We tried a seperate approach to implementing the bottom panel in which we displayed each panel as a comic, rather than a screenshot. We attempted this method as it would allow the user to import and use GIFs in the background of their comic, although we ran into a critical issue. While the implementation worked, we found that the program would struggle to handle more than a few panels at a time, as each comic object is quite resource heavy, and so we had to revert back to using screenshots in the panels.

For more information on how the program works, go to the help menu in the application.